


Longer essays appear here. To read blog posts from On The Edge of Faith, click here

Undercover Ministries

"All religions, it seems, come down to dealing with the problem of self. The pesky self-grasping, self-preoccupied, self-aggrandizing, self-loathing, self-in-control, self-conscious, self-determined, self-concerned obsession that permeates our lives. As a Buddhist, my husband sees this as the source of all delusion and suffering. As a Christian, I see it as the source of our alienation from God." 
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Christian-Buddhist Double Header:

“Mommy, do you think I’m more of a Buddhist Christian or a Christian Buddhist?,” our daughter asked. I tried to trust that our interfaith worship would have spiritual integrity. Read more here

God's GPS

"My father commented that the spiritual life is like visiting the Louvre, the famous Parisian museum. The image captured my imagination. In the year after my baptism, each spiritual insight felt delightful and astonishing. Forgiveness! Salvation! Humility! Servanthood! On and on—the lessons were innumerable, each holding enormous complexity and depth. One could spend years dwelling on each and still not finish mining their delicate richness." Read more here

Stone Crosses

"One of these unanticipated twists was that I'd begun writing about my spiritual journey with a startling and voracious gusto. The growing sense of identity as a 'Christian writer' had nothing to do with commercial success. I hadn’t even had anything published yet. I just knew in that moment, it was simply, truthfully, becoming a part of me."
Read more here.

Sabbath Discipline

"My hunger for the Sabbath had emerged out of the exhaustion I felt at trying to juggle the relentless demands of a busy career with family and community life. I knew there had to be a better way, and I had an inkling that a discipline of rest was at the core of what was missing in my life." Read more here